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3) Universal Health Coverage: The basic principle of a Universal Health Coverage is that every individual has the right to health care. This health care should be provided free of any financial implications by the State as per the principles of Universal Access and Universal Financial Protection
4) Access to skilled birth attendants at every level of the health care system – This is further related to catastrophic health expenditure and shifting health systems towards Universal Health Coverage.
1) Universal geographic access to health care within the community - This is to provide geographical access for all to health care facilities. This should be done by either making the facilities in the community nearer to one’s home or by providing other community-based services, such as mobile clinics.
3) Providing universal, quality and affordable essential medicines and technology in State-run and other public health care providers or Health System – This will create a free flow of essential products even in the lowest income groups. It will also require minimum infrastructure requirements for essential drugs procurement. With minimum maintenance and salaries, it will also help in creating a cost conscious and financially disciplined health care system.
9) In the Addressing of Outbreaks and Epidemic Diseases: The government has taken several steps. Firstly it has renovated the existing health Centres. Secondly it has trained the staff who are already in these places. Thirdly the staff is being provided with modern medicines on a priority basis. Fourthly there are more number of ambulance facilities. Fifthly the case management facilites are being provided at the district and state levels. The remarkable increase in the number of trained staff is the key to a coordinated response to any outbreak. 7211a4ac4a