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Thus, breastfeeding is within the power of anyone, Mitchell says. "Women who intend to breast-feed for only a few months should be encouraged to plan to do so," he says. "Women intending to breast-feed for a longer period should be encouraged to do so because there is no evidence that breast-feeding has negative health consequences. The fact that a lot of mothers can't breast-feed until later in the baby's life suggests that society needs to step in and help these women plan their imminent deliveries."
"If a mother wants to stop breast-feeding, she should be encouraged to do so, and she should be educated about the benefits of breast-feeding. However, if the mother cannot properly express milk and therefore gives the baby formula, she should, as a minimum, be offered the chance to breast-feed. Given the current positive trends in breastfeeding, it is unfair to penalize women who do this." d2c66b5586