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Hitachi's DSX-260 camcorder has a more straightforward, straightforward format, supporting as little as 1.9MB and topping out at 60GB. In the case of the DS3-260D, this allows you to use the camera as a point-and-shoot for photos. Though not as fast as the Sony's 1080p DV recordings, we were impressed by Hitachi's ability to recover from poor-quality JPEG files.
The XDCAM HD422 and XDCAM HD422-AVC are designed for broadcast and post production camera apps. These standard HD422 or 720p formats are intended to be operated on a mixing desk, where they are combined into a SMPTE-compliant HD format, typically 1080i.
GoPro, Inc., headquartered in Orem, Utah, is a leading designer, developer and manufacturer of digital cameras for the consumer, professional, and mobile markets. With a focus on simplicity, accessibility, and affordability, GoPro builds technology products that inspire people to seek adventure, live life to the fullest and capture the world around them. Their action cameras, mounts and accessories make capturing life's adventures effortless, fun and rewarding. For more information, visit GoPro online at
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not express the opinions of any other person or entity. This article is for informational purposes only. d2c66b5586