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The project area boundary specification map (PAST) shows the location of each identified project area and its watershed ties. Key project approaches and corridors are identified within the project areas based on the TEPAs, as well as alternative routes and alternative project corridors.
Scoping documents provide for a number of database analysis tools that will be made available to the public. These databases include: Global Climate Change Enablé Analysis, Habitat Analysis (Shifts), Phenological Phase Analysis, GIS Databases, Spatial Analysis (Shifts), and Land Use Analysis.
The Transportation Analysis section of the EIS provides for an informational analysis of the Project’s regionally significant and sensitive (RSS) and irreplaceable natural resources, impacts of the Project on natural resources, impacts of the Project on the social and cultural resources, and impacts of the Project on independent economic and other uses.
A Performance Assessment is provided for each alternative, which analyses impacts based on the SWOT factors as defined in the NEPA guidance. The quantitative projections for environmental effects, categorical project impacts, and cumulative impacts of the Project expected to occur over the next 30 years are reported in the table below.
A true cost-benefit analysis, including an analysis of direct and indirect costs (benefits), will be performed. Net present value, discounted at the same rate as the US federal debt (7.5%), will be used as the measure of project value. A quality of life valuation of the area’s parks and open space and its impact on adjacent resident due to noise, light, and visual disturbance will be made. The analysis will include a choice of scenarios of various levels of NOx reduction. d2c66b5586