Getting Oracle.DataAccess ?Working” On x64 _VERIFIED_
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I am trying to run this web application. I keep getting this error"Could not load file or assembly "Oracle.DataAccess" or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format."Exception details: System.BadImageFormatException. "Could not load file or assembly "Oracle.DataAccess" or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format."Below are the things that I already tried.
For me everything else was almost ok, but somehow my project settings changed & iisExpress was getting used instead of IISLocal. When I changed & pointed to the virtual directory (in IISLocal), it stared working perfectly again.
I unistalled and reinstalled VS2010 and Oracle Client 11g. It is now working on my workstation and local IIS. When I publish the web application to the 64bit server, I get a new error "Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format."
It looks like I'm getting the error using the 'OracleConnection'. Jgosar is right, it works on my workstation Vista 32-bit, but never on the Windows Server 2008 R2. Somehow in a 32-bit or on a Windows Server 2008 not R2 it lets the 'System.ArgumentException' pass allowing the page to display. But on an R2 server it strictly stops the page from displaying and throws in the error.
Naturally if you are using a x86 machine, with an x86 dll you will not have any issues. So I suggest that you look at getting the x64 version of the Oracle.DataAccess.dll library for running the interface on your web server, just add that library as a reference, and that should resolve your issues when running the web app on your server, but it does mean that you may have to swap between libraries when diagnosing problems on your local IIS instance on you desktop. I just checked and unfortunately, in a web application it seems you cannot set the x86 or x64 setting. I am including a link to the Oracle x64 client that has the x64 version of the Oracle.DataAccess.dll.
Mona, Thanks, I tried to install the Microsoft connector for oracle. Kind of wierd because the 5.0 version has an earlier version date than the 1.0 version data but I think I installed it. Now it's asking for the oracle client and i'm working on that.
Yiahzak, I'm pretty sure I downloaded the Microsoft Connector for Oracle and on my first attempt after that it said "oracle client and networking components were not found. These components are supplied by Oracle corporation .... " That's why I tried to install the Oracle client.
Just an update on where this is. I installed the oracle client and downloaded the Microsoft connector for Oracle and my locally installed oracle database just blew up for some reason. sqlplus stopped working, sqldeveloper stopped working, c# reading oracle stopped working. I think maybe with Oracle 19c db installed on a win 10 machine, you're not supposed to install the Oracle client. After you install Oracle 19c db only on a laptop, a lot of Oracle things are there: sqlplus is there, localhost:1521/orcl just works, just orcl as tnsnames seems to work even though I can't find tnsnames.ora. There is no uninstall for Oracle 19c so I had to remove it manually. Then I re-installed Oracle 19c and I got back to where I was including c# reading oracle. I don't need ssis reading oracle that bad so my next step here is going to be a cautious one. I don't have VS 2019 Enterprise so I can't try any of the direct Microsoft Oracle tasks. There are rumors we may get VS 2019 Enterprise (from VS 2017 Enterprise) at work so maybe I'll try it there.
To begin with, this custom GP tool project was working in ArcGIS 10.0 for last 2 years successfully. As part of technology migration activity, I am upgrading this project to 10.2. As mentioned, am using Windows 2012 server (64 bit OS) where ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS server 10.2 has been installed in same box. Oracle client 32, 64 bit has been installed. Path is set as above.
I am a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist and IEEE Senior Member with 12+ years of Industry experience in the Database Engineering field. Being a Lead Database Administrator I have built and designed mission critical databases for large-scale US based companies in the healthcare, banking and finance, entertainment and gaming industries. I have extensive experience working with a wide variety of database platforms with a focus on SQL Server and the Microsoft database Disaster Recovery, High Availability , Performance Tuning , Capacity Planning, Database design and Architecture and Data Modeling. In my free time I enjoy watching and playing sports , Hiking and Travelling.
I was following the example link provided by you and based on this I have created two sample applications that use this approach. One via the way from the link, the other via OpenAccess.For the attached packaged, I have removed all the Oracle dlls. To run this project, please add them as described in your link. This should be done in the OAXCopy and in the OracleXCopy test project. Also please adjust the connection strings and Oracle.DataAccess version informations appropriately.With this I was able to connect to the oracle database via the direct connection approach and via OpenAccess.Can you try if this also works in your environment?Have you ensured in your application that you have the appropriate versions of the assemblies? What exceptions are you getting on your side?I hope the sample application is useful for you.Do come back in case you need further assistance.
The Oracle Client install is an absolute nightmare. I've wasted so much time on it over the years. I got one machine working using Oracle 11 so I'm trying to hold onto that for as long as possible ...
When working with Microsoft Excel, there are different ways of retrieving data from various data sources using our ODBC drivers. Please see the list of sections that will help you to connect Excel to Oracle database:
For the working webservices I'm using the .Net IDE and my version is 12.5.1 Build 4953 and this kind of project doesn't show me the option to deploy for 64 bits, so this is a 32 bit service., the installation for the Oracle Data Provider we made was for a 32 bits I'm sure of that (on my PC and on the server).\\n\\n\\nWebservices and assembly targets don't give you an option for 32 or 64 bit because they compile to AnyCPU. 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Their bitness at runtime is determined by the bitness of the process that calls them.\",\"author\":{\"username\":\"bruce_armstrong\",\"displayName\":\"Bruce Armstrong\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":false,\"isCurrentUser\":false},\"parentAuthor\":{\"username\":\"former.member\",\"displayName\":\"Former Member\",\"groupIcons\":[],\"suspended\":true,\"isCurrentUser\":false},\"id\":9874245,\"creationDate\":1362594002000,\"activeRevisionId\":10597694,\"lastActivity\":1362594002000,\"parentId\":9874014,\"originalParentId\":9871692,\"likeCount\":1,\"visibility\":\"full\",\"depth\":0,\"attachments\":[],\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"relations\":{\"canReport\":false,\"visibility\":\"full\",\"canEdit\":false,\"canUseDelete\":false,\"isLiked\":false,\"type\":\"comment\",\"canVoteUpOrCancel\":false,\"canConvertToAnswer\":false,\"canBeModerated\":false,\"canViewRevisions\":false,\"score\":1,\"showInReply\":false,\"reported\":false,\"canCancelReport\":false,\"canDelete\":false,\"canVoteDownOrCancel\":false,\"canComment\":false,\"canViewReports\":false,\"isCurrentUserAuthor\":false},\"liked\":false,\"moderatorComment\":false}]}}"), answerPager: { answersCount: 1, page: 1, pageSize: 10, pageCount: 1, sort: "votes" }, answers: JSON.parse("[{\"body\":\"Were you using Classic or .Net to build the 12.5 web service? 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