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Even with all of its issues, this ever-growing list of the best Netflix shows is a key reason why Netflix stays high on our best streaming services list. Even when they lose something (like Schitt's Creek), a new title joins the ranks. Welcome, Wednesday! And congrats on your second season confirmation.
Old Enough! is a show that shouldn't work, but is a triumph of low-stakes reality TV. In it, 2-4 year old children are given errands and accomplishable missions from their parents, while narrators provide play-by-play commentary. The kids range from easily-distracted types or mischievous ones who don't really care about their goals. A big hit in Japanese TV from the last decades, Old Enough! is one of the best shows on Netflix because it's a true gem for unwinding. It's unique shows like Old Enough! that make Netflix one of the best streaming services, even while HBO Max has the top spot.
Henry Cavill stars as Geralt of Rivia: a roving monster hunter in a dark fantasy world. While Geralt wants nothing more than to ply his trade, he runs afoul of prejudiced townsfolk, ambitious wizards and even foreign royalty. And while The Witcher season 2 arguably suffers from a slightly padded middle section of episodes (aka The Netflix Problem), we loved it anyways. We just can't wait for The Witcher season 3, but, sadly, it's the end of the run for Henry Cavill, as Liam Hemsworth will take over as the Butcher of Blaviken.
It's time to meet You, your next guilty pleasure binge watch. A thrilling drama, You is the talk of social media these days thanks to how much the show plays with our own addictions to Instagram and other apps. It focuses on a bookstore manager named Joe, who falls in love with/stalks the heck out of Beck (Elizabeth Lail), a grad student. And, thankfully, we aren't waiting on confirmation of You season 4: the streaming service knows that many people believe it's one of the best shows on Netflix, and already confirmed we're getting more. Part 1 arrives on February 10, 2023, with part 2 on March 10, 2023.
You don't have to go to Portlandia to feel the spirit of the 1990's on Netflix. R&B superstar Brandy Norwood starred in Moesha, a UPN series that was brought in mid-season and became one of the network's biggest hits, and Netflix is finally giving it a streaming home for all to relive its great run. The series dealt with what seemed like the social issues of the day, including drug use, teen pregnancy and race relations, all of which are still relevant today.
Thought we had enough crime dramas? Think again. Mindhunter brought cinema-quality visuals and strong character development to the genre, and took us back in crime to the 1970s as police began to track serial killers. Excellent acting and moody writing help make it one of the best Netflix series. Frustratingly, Mindhunter has apparently been put on an indefinite hiatus, so we don't know if or when season 3 will happen.
This castle was formerly shunned by everybody. In the first place, thecourt swarmed with hunting dogs of every kind, which dashed out at everyarrival, and fairly tore the travellers from their carriages; then theyoung lord had a custom of lying in wait with a few intimates, andshooting at passers-by with an air gun, on a wager; then inside thecourt was a peacock,[Pg 23] which flew at everybody's head and tried to peckout his eyes. Man and beast were trained here to harass the stranger.The day when the arrival of Father Peter was expected, the mistress tookcare to have her beloved child's air gun put away, for the round Jesuithat would be altogether too convenient a target; she had had part of thepack of hounds driven into the poultry yard, leaving out only theblood-hounds and pointers; but she could not herself take care that arespectful reception should await the pious father, for just at the timeof his arrival, the forester brought word that the night before the lordof Mitosin, with a troop of hunters, had crossed the Waag and shot downdeer and other game; and when the gamekeepers tried to withstand thismad chase, they had been bound to trees, and the game had been draggedaway. 2b1af7f3a8