Adobe Photoshop Cs5 English Language Pack Download HOT!
There are only three options under the Language menu: English, French, and German. You can set Photoshop to display menus in only one of these languages (or none at all), but not all of them. If you do choose French, for example, you don't have to re-install the French language pack. Because Photoshop reads the language configuration information from the registry, you can switch the interface language settings to French and then switch back to English by simply deleting the file ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.Photoshop.plist.
The French language pack adds French text and French icons to the menus, but there are also separate French settings and keyboard commands for these features. These are stored in an Adobe file, ~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.photoshop.plist, that you can delete.
Option 2: Click the File menu and choose Edit. In the Edit menu, click Preferences and then click Adobe Typekit Languages. In the dialog box, click the 827ec27edc